3 Ways To Take Care Of Your Dog's Teeth

3 Ways To Take Care Of Your Dog's Teeth

30 November 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Ensuring that your dog's dental health is taken care of is one of the biggest jobs a pet owner can have. Dogs, just like humans, can develop problems with their teeth and even get gum disease if their oral health is not taken care of properly.

You must prevent any problems with your dog's dental health by ensuring proper oral hygiene. Here is a look at how you can go about taking the best care of your dog's teeth.


The first and most obvious way to take care of your dog's teeth is to make sure that you are brushing them as much as possible. Brushing your dog's teeth will help to prevent plaque from building up on them. You can brush your dog's teeth every day if you have the time. However, if you can't, you can brush their teeth about every other day. 

Bear in mind that it is always best to start brushing your dog's teeth when they are young. It can be difficult to get older dogs to cooperate as the experience of brushing their teeth is not pleasant for them. You may encounter some resistance from your older dog, but don't give up. Make sure that you are using toothpaste that is specially formulated for dogs. Never use human toothpaste to brush your dog's teeth.


Fortunately, for those pet owners who find brushing their dog's teeth every day a bit too tedious, there are dog dental wipes available. You can rub these against your dog's teeth and it will help remove and prevent plaque. While wipes are an excellent way to clean your dog's teeth occasionally, they should not be the norm.

Wipes can't get into the nooks and crannies like a brush can. Use dog dental wipes as part of a larger routine, where brushing is the primary means of cleaning your dog's teeth.


Another effective way to keep your dog's teeth clean is to give them dental treats. This is a perfect situation because most dogs love to be given treats. If you can get the treats to remove plaque as well, then this is the best of both worlds. Again, you should bear in mind that this should be part of a larger dental care strategy for your dog.

It doesn't have to be difficult to take care of your dog's teeth. All you have to do is make sure that you use a variety of methods consistently to ensure your dog has good oral health.

Contact a local animal dental clinic, such as Indian Creek Veterinary Hospital, to learn more.