The Benefits Of Having Your Dog Spayed Or Neutered

The Benefits Of Having Your Dog Spayed Or Neutered

28 February 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Being a dog owner requires a lot of responsibility. This includes doing everything possible to keep your dog in the best of health. Getting your dog spayed or neutered prevents unwanted litters of puppies, but it also has other benefits as well.

Health Benefits

The health benefits of spaying or neutering your dog are some of the most important. For female dogs, getting spayed can prevent the risk of getting cancer of the mammary glands. Female dogs who have been spayed are also less likely to develop Pyometra, which is a deadly uterine disease that commonly occurs in unspayed dogs. Male dogs who have been neutered are less likely to develop testicular cancer. Neutering can also reduce the risk of male dogs developing health problems of the prostate which may also be life threatening.

Behavior Benefits

When female dogs have been spayed, they no longer go into heat. This puts an end to the annoying behavior that often occurs during the heat period, such as excessive barking, aggression and hyperactivity. Male dogs are less likely to roam away from home if they have been neutered. Since they are no longer flooded with testosterone, they tend to be less likely to fight with other dogs or spray and mark their territory.

Financial Benefits

While many dog owners may claim it is too expensive to have their pets spayed or neutered, it can actually be financially beneficial in the long run. When a dog is spayed or neutered, this prevents the problem of having numerous puppies to provide care for, which can be very expensive. Since both of these procedures can prevent various health problems, they can also prevent expensive vet bills to treat health problems later on that may occur if spaying or neutering is not done. Paying the one time cost of spaying or neutering is less expensive than paying the costs that can arise if you do not have your dog spayed or neutered.

Benefits For The Society

Having your dog spayed or neutered also benefits the entire society. Animal shelters and dog pounds are overflowing with unwanted pets every day. Many of these have to euthanize these dogs because there simply are not enough loving homes to adopt them or funds to keep them alive. If every dog owner had their pet spayed or neutered, overpopulation would not be an issue and many lives could be saved.

When you are considering becoming a dog owner, it is important to be fully aware of all that it entails. Responsible dog owners have their pets spayed or neutered to ensure their dogs stay healthy, behave properly and do not become an unwanted financial burden. If you have other question,try visiting websites like Pittsburgh Spay & Vaccination Clinic to learn more.