3 Reasons to Use a Professional Animal Boarding Facility

3 Reasons to Use a Professional Animal Boarding Facility

2 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Do you need to go on a trip somewhere but you're worried about leaving your dog or cat at home for a few days? If you're like a lot of people, your first thoughts will most likely be to get friends or relatives to watch your pet. This can be fine at times but it's not a universal solution. Instead of trying to get people you know to watch your pets, a better solution is often to take your pet or pets to a boarding facility. This offers multiple advantages over friends and family, including:

Avoid Illness

What if you're out of town and your pet sitter is suddenly too sick to care for your pets? There's not much you can do in this situation, especially if you're unable to hurry home to care for them yourself. You could try contacting other friends or family members but this can be difficult when you're out of town or even across the country.

On the other hand, an animal boarding facility has multiple employees. If one of them becomes ill and can't work, then there are other employees available to take up the slack and care for the animals. There is always someone there to ensure your pets are healthy while you're away.

More Entertainment

When you get someone to come to your home to feed, water, and walk your pets as necessary, they usually won't spend much time in your home at all. This will result in your pet being left alone and to their own devices most of the time. While some cats might not mind this, other pets might start to destroy your home out of frustration and boredom.

At quality animal boarding facilities, there will be enrichment periods multiple times per day. This will take different forms depending on the facility, but your cat or dog will not be bored.

Spend Money Wisely

At first glance, it can seem less expensive to get someone you know to watch your pet or pets versus paying an animal boarding facility to do it. Unfortunately, there are hidden costs that you're probably not considering. Besides what's already been mentioned, you can't be sure that your friend or relative will be able to adequately care for your pet. If your pet gets sick because they were fed the wrong food by mistake or otherwise gets into mischief, then you could be looking at potentially expensive vet bills.

A professional facility will be able to keep an eye on your pet or pets, heading off any serious issues before they turn into costly vet visits.

Learn more about pet boarding by contacting services like Marquette Animal Hospital.