Does Your Dog Need Surgery? What You Need To Know Before The Procedure

Does Your Dog Need Surgery? What You Need To Know Before The Procedure

7 July 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If your veterinarian has recommended surgery for your dog, you want to get as much information as you can about the procedure. In most cases, the veterinarian will schedule a consultation prior to the surgery. That's your opportunity to ask questions about the procedure. If you're like most people, you might forget any questions you had for the veterinarian, especially if you're worried about your dog. Before you go in for the surgery consultation, here's some information you should get from your veterinarian.

Details Regarding Diagnosis

If your dog has been diagnosed with a specific disorder, ask for details. If you're going to help your dog overcome this condition, you need to know what you're up against. This is especially important if the medical condition is something that will continue to affect your dog after surgery. For instance, if your dog suffers from a hereditary condition, such as hip dysplasia, you may need to take special precautions throughout your dog's life.

Potential Treatment Options

If the veterinarian has recommended surgery for your dog's medical condition, ask about potential treatment options. There may be non-surgical procedures that will be beneficial for your dog. Some treatments can delay the need for surgical intervention. Others may resolve the issue without the need for surgery. Your veterinarian can discuss those options with you. That way, you can decide on the right course of treatment for your dog. 

Possible Surgical Complications

If your dog needs surgery, find out about the possible complications. Depending on the type of surgery, there may be complications you need to worry about. It's important to know that there are different types of complications associated with canine surgeries. They vary from minor to serious complications. Minor complications include swelling and bruising of the surgical site. Serious complications include infection and bleeding. Knowing the potential complications will help you prepare for your dog's recovery.

Post-Operative Instructions

If your dog is scheduled for surgery, talk to the veterinarian about post-operative instructions. You'll receive a list of instructions on the day of the surgery. But, it's best if you discuss them in detail while you have a clear head. Not only that but discussing the instructions in advance will give you enough time to prepare for recovery time. You'll need time to gather the supplies you'll need for your dog before they come home after surgery. 

Now that you're preparing for your dog's surgery, use the information provided here to talk to your veterinarian about the procedure.

For more information, contact a veterinary surgical service.