Tips For A Positive Pet Boarding Experience

Tips For A Positive Pet Boarding Experience

12 February 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you are planning on going out of town for a bit and have pets, you are going to need to find a pet boarding facility for them to stay at so they are taken care of. To ensure they have a positive boarding experience, here are a few tips.

Pack Their Food

While some pet boarding facilities will offer pet food in their boarding fees, you may want to consider packing the food that they are eating at home. When pets experience an abrupt change in their diet, they may experience gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea. When packing your pet's food, make sure the facility is aware of how much and how often your pet eats. Don't forget to also include preparation instructions, if any.

Leave an Emergency Contact

If your pet suffers an injury or illness while at the facility, the staff should contact you immediately. However, if you are out of town or can't reach you, it is important that you have an additional emergency contact listed. This person would be contacted to make health care decisions on your behalf. This will ensure that precious time is not wasted trying to reach you when the facility could be treating your pet, especially in an emergency situation.

Talk About Treats

If you give your dog treats at home for doing something good, make sure to pack the treats that you give them and let the boarding facility know how they should give them out. If treats should not be given to your pet, make sure to let the boarding facility staff know. The last thing that you would want to do is come home to a pet who has gained weight as a result of treats or a pet who is expecting treats due to their stay.

Discuss the Staffing of the Facility

Some pet boarding facilities do not have staff at the facility 24/7. While this is not necessarily a red flag, it is important to be aware of it before making a decision to board your pet at that particular facility. This is particularly true if you have a pet with a medical condition and you want to ensure it has 24/7 monitoring.

Talk About Medical Needs

If your pet is currently taking any kind of medication, you will want to provide it to the facility. Make sure that the medication is labeled along with instructions on how to give it to your pet. If your pet has been diagnosed with a serious condition, such as diabetes or a heart problem, you may want to find a veterinary hospital that offers pet boarding to ensure that there is professional medical staff on-site in the event that your pet requires medical attention while you are away.

For more information, contact a pet boarding facility in your area.