Care Tips for Tiny Dogs

Care Tips for Tiny Dogs

30 March 2022
 Categories: , Blog

There is some care that all dogs need, regardless of size. They need exercise, healthy food, and plenty of water to drink. However, there are some care needs that do depend on a dog's size. For example, the following dog care tips are important to follow if you have a tiny dog, such as a chihuahua or a miniature pinscher. 

Don't overfeed.

The smaller the dog, the easier it tends to be to overfeed. Tiny dogs need a surprisingly small amount of food to thrive, and feeding them just a little bit more than is needed can lead to weight gain over time. Being overweight is not healthy for any dog, small dogs included. It can lead to diabetes, heart disease, and limited mobility. Buy food made specifically for small dogs, and feed it according to the instructions on the bag. Pay attention to your dog's weight over time, too. If they weigh in heavier at a vet visit, then it's probably time to cut back their food a little.

Give them a way to comfortably get onto furniture.

Jumping onto the couch or chair is a much bigger undertaking for a small dog than for a large dog. They can strain their backs and necks, injure their legs, and more. You can prevent these injuries by providing your dog with an easy way to climb onto the couch or chair without having to jump. There are companies that make tiny dog stairs for this purpose. You could even just put a stool by your couch, depending on the size.

Teach them not to walk under your feet.

Of course, you would never purposefully step on your dog, but when they are little and they jump under your feet, sometimes you can't avoid doing so. Stepping on a tiny dog or their paw can cause much more serious injuries than stepping on a larger dog. So, you need to teach them not to get underfoot. Work with a professional dog trainer if you are struggling with this. It's worth paying a trainer for a few sessions if it allows your dog to avoid injuries and intensive vet care later on.

Caring for a tiny dog isn't necessarily harder than caring for a large one. It's just different and comes with a few different requirements. Follow the care tips above, and your little pet should enjoy a happier, healthier life overall. Good luck! 

(For more information, you can visit this website: