Why Are Your Dog's Paw Pads Swollen?

Why Are Your Dog's Paw Pads Swollen?

6 June 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Dog's paw pads are generally quite rugged. After all, they have to stand up to the wear and tear that comes with walking on hard and uneven surfaces. Sometimes, though, your dog's paw pads may not be as hardy as you'd wish. When looking at the pads, you may notice that they look puffy and swollen. Why is this? Well, there are a few possible causes of swollen paw pads in dogs, and vets have ways to deal with each cause,


The paws are often the first part of a dog to come into contact with an allergen such as pollen or mold spores. Most of the paw is protected by fur, but the pads are not, so they tend to suffer the worst of the allergy symptoms. If your vet thinks your dog's swollen paw pads are due to allergies, they'll likely have you apply a steroid or antihistamine cream to the paw pads to get the allergic reaction under control. Then, your dog may need to wear booties outside to avoid additional contact with the allergen.

Items Stuck Between Toes

Sometimes dogs will get a foreign object such as a splinter, a piece of stone, or even a bur caught between their pads. This will cause irritation as they walk, causing the paw pads to swell. If the vet finds a foreign object between your dog's toes, they'll generally remove it and apply some antibacterial ointment to fight any infection that may be contributing to the swelling. 

Irritation From Hot Ground

It's possible that your dog actually burnt or scorched their paw pads by walking over hot ground. This happens a lot in the summer with dogs who are walked on asphalt. If this is the case, the vet will generally treat the burns with soothing creams and a steroid to accelerate healing. You will want to take precautions to keep your dog from walking on hot asphalt in the future.

Insect Bites

If the swelling is most obvious in a specific area, then it may be due to an insect sting. The vet can locate and remove any stinger that may be present in the bite. They can then apply a steroid cream to calm down the itching and swelling, which should make your dog more comfortable.

If your dog's paw pads are swollen, don't ignore the problem. This issue is rarely caused by anything too serious, but most of the causes do benefit from veterinary care.

For more information, contact a local business, such as Angel Pet Hospital.